Document renaming
When your document is ready for proofreading, if possible, please rename your document as follows: First-name_Last-name_today’s-date. For instance, if your first name is Peter, your last name is Renshaw and today’s date is 9 June 2023, the name of your file will be Peter_Renshaw_09062023.
Document formatting
The format should be either British or American English. The style guide could be Harvard referencing, Chicago referencing, APA style, weblink to author instructions of a journal, etc. If no style guide is supplied we correct references to the style that is prevalent in the document to ensure continuity.
Please note the deadline should be the time and date you need it in your e-mail inbox. The deadline should ideally allow you plenty of time before the due date for submission to respond to any suggestions and recommendations made by the proofreader (this often involves the need to add or complete bibliographical references), as well as to print and bind the document.